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Writer's pictureMackenzie Leonhard

What to Expect When Expecting the Apocalypse

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well in what seems like the weirdest time. I thought I would try to lighten the load with an entertaining post. This post is brought to you by my Aunt Debbie who gave me the idea over a nice catch up and it gave us a couple of much needed laughs.

First a quick update though. Our numbers here seem to be growing and growing but let’s all remember before it gets better it’s going to get worse. We are still in lock down and since it’s the weekend the government is implementing even tougher rules to ensure everyone’s safety. That means closing parks and handing out fines for those out and about without the approved certificate. I went to the grocery store the other day and I had to wait 20 minutes outside because they are only allowing 5 at a time. Which means the more people who go together they get counted together so it is highly encouraged to go alone. I had a little surreal moment while waiting in line which led to a few tears because this is really happening. Once I got in the store there were no carts or baskets so I had to carry everything which really cut down what I could get. For some reason I started rushing around the store like it was a freaking game show! In my mind I was thinking if they are only letting 5 in I have to hurry up so the next 5 can come in. Jokes on me guys because everyone was taking their sweet time and there clearly was no time limit. Phew! Anyways in and out really no problem just a little weird. After a nice catch up with my aunt she was telling me since I have been going through this maybe I should let those know how to deal with it since it is coming. I repeat guys it is coming whether you believe it or not. Maybe it won’t be as extreme as it is here but it will more or less happen.

I have been in quarantine for 3 weeks now. I don’t want to say I am an expert or anything but this ain’t my first week at home. Reminder this is the first week we are all in lockdown but Milan and the Lombardy region has been a hot spot for the virus for a few weeks now. Here are somethings you can do keep yourself sane.

1. Stop watching the news and checking social media every 5 minutes.

Since the outbreak here there has been nothing on TV except this virus. The first week watching the news I told myself I was doing it to stay informed. Second week is when the nervousness and anxiety set it in and well this week I really try not to turn on the news. Lately it feels almost impossible to look at my phone or the TV without something about the virus popping up. At first I was thankful to get all the information and stay updated but now it’s just overload. It’s bad and it’s going to get worse, we already knew that so at this point if you want to keep your sanity limit your social media and media intake. Right now we try to watch the news in the evening to stay updated about the increasing numbers and what happened during the day. There is no need to stare at the news all day. The need to know information will be shared and there is literally no way to miss it, so give your brain a break and turn off the TV and your phone for a while.

2. All those things you’ve been wanting to do, do them and do them now

Have you been wanting to try a new hobby? Are you looking to expand your skills? Is there something you always wanted to try but just couldn’t find the time? Well then I have got just the thing for you! Quarantine. I am joking but like not joking. Everybody has got some extra time on their hands, so now would be the time to pick something you want to learn to do or have always wanted to try. Don’t be afraid to browse amazon they have nice little kits to get you started. For example, embroidery, bath bomb making, calligraphy or whatever your heart desires. I have personally purchased a calligraphy kit so who would like a nicely handwritten note? Also great time to learn a new language. Hello skype lessons! In all honesty though I recommend everybody does something not related to Netflix or a social media. Do something for you!

3. Check on the homies

This is a high stress time and everyone is going to handle it differently so please check on your friends and family. Before any lockdown hits I highly recommend checking in on your elderly friends or family and helping them out. Buy their groceries if possible and make sure they have everything they need. I don’t recommend taking your elderly friends and family places especially crowded places, if anyone needs to stay home its them. So help them out as much as you can! Keep in mind that I am asking you to check on people, not makes plans with people. It’s not the time to be hosting dinner parties and meeting your friends at the mall (do people still do that?). All it takes is one person to infect everyone and it is known that not everyone is showing symptoms, so don’t be that person who has to ruin it all for a little fun. We will all have fun together later. Please, please facetime your friends. Have a digital dinner or cocktail party. Keep the socializing up without the contact guys. Safety first.

4. Shop for 2 weeks out but for the love of Pete don’t stockpile!

Guys I don’t get the toilet paper thing. Have we not heard of showers? Please people, wash your butts. With that said I would recommend some big haul shopping if possible. I don’t mean stockpile because everyone needs to buy things, we are all in the same situation, so like I tell my 3-year-old students, f****ing share. What I do mean is that with all this time at home you are going to need to buy more things than usual and I recommend buying for two weeks out (only if possible). Supermarkets are generally crowded so really try to reduce your time there. Also everyone touches everything so be careful and be smart. Ok great Mackenzie but what do I buy?! Oh ya so glad you asked. Well remember you are going to be home more so those things that you generally have one of or don’t have because you are at work, ya stock up on those. Your morning cup of coffee? Double that because your home now and you will think to yourself oh ya I can have another cup because I am home and there are no rules (no? just me? Ok). So buy more coffee and more milk if you are like me and put it in your coffee. I am/was provided lunch at work and guess what I have to think about now, what in the heck am I going to eat for lunch?! So buy some more bread and pasta than usual. Also snacks. Boredom and not wanting to cook all time will lead you to snacks. Trust me after cooking for yourself and possibly for others all day every day, there will be a day that you don’t want to and those snacks will come in handy. Also frozen food. Same thing, sometimes you just don’t want to cook and clean everything again. I don’t recommend buying fruits and veggies unless you are going to eat them that day. This is a time to buy frozen goodies and I mean like a lot of frozen goodies. As for bottled water I would like to say use less plastic and save the planet but this is a weird situation where anything could go and it doesn't hurt to have some water on hand.

5. Remember we are all in this together. Smile, laugh and it will all be ok.

The last couple of days Italy has done some “flash mobs”. Friday the 13th at 6 p.m. everyone, all over the country was encouraged to go out on their balconies and play music or play an instrument. It was really beautiful and a nice reminder we are not alone. There are videos all over Instagram if you want to see, it honestly made me a little teary eyed. Saturday the 14th at 12 p.m. everyone was encouraged to go out on their balconies and clap to say thank you to all medical workers. It was really nice to hear. In all this silence the noise is a nice comforting change. I really recommend watching or listening to something that makes you smile or laugh. We have been dancing in our living room to our favorite songs so I encourage everyone to be silly and breathe. It is all going to ok.



Another great read Mackenzie! Thanks for all the info and suggestions on what to do! Take care 🤗💜💙

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