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Writer's pictureMackenzie Leonhard

Things I Don't Understand about the USA

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

Hello all! I am back and a lot sooner than I expected due to a very unexpected week off of work. Yes, there is currently a Coronavirus outbreak in Northern Italy and all schools in the Lombardy region are closed as well as museums and the Duomo of Milan and I believe bars and restaurants are expected to close early. Public events for Carnevale and other public events have been cancelled or postponed to help slow down the spread of the virus. The numbers are growing and there is a large sense of panic but at the same time I am not super worried. At the moment we are just taking care of ourselves and trying to stay healthy but there is no reason for us to go to extremes. Anyways that is for another post right now I want to talk about something else, the good ol’ USA baby.

I am an American living in a foreign country. I love that I am American and I don’t hide it. There have been times when my excuse for something has been oh it’s because I’m American, especially when it comes to food (and my cooking, I am so sorry Pasquale!). However, after living sometime away from the country I call my home, I have some thoughts about it. Since I did a post about the things I don’t understand about the place I currently live in, I have to keep it balanced by posting about the things I don’t understand about the place I used to live. So here we go.

1. Why does the rest of the world know about us but we know nothing about the rest of the world?

This one is definitely the one I can’t wrap my head around. The entire world knows about the USA from movies, TV shows, music and even the news. I am constantly asked is it really like this from the movies, do you really do this and when it comes to other countries or places I have no first thoughts or questions about them. Yes of course I associated pizza and pasta with Italy but how they lived or their way of life I did not have a clue. We really are taught that it’s just us and ya there are other countries but we really just need to know about us. Of course in school we learned about other countries because of WWI and WWII but after that couldn’t really tell you too much. I came to Italy and I felt like everyone knew what was going on in the world but me, and not because I am ignorant, because I do try to stay up with things. However, I found that others knew more history of other places, how other countries did politics and the news omg the news was more inclusive of what was happening around the world. I guess what I really wonder about it is why aren’t we more inclusive? Music on the radio could be a lot better if we opened up to popular songs around the world. Movies, books, Tv shows everything could be improved if we opened up a little bit. Which really brings me to the next thing I don’t understand about the USA, our lack of foreign films.

2. Foreign Films

I remember growing up and watching movies and anytime someone in the movie mentioned watching foreign films they were generally the weird or nerdy character. So growing up I thought only weirdos and nerds watched foreign films. Also I was scared of voice overs? Like I couldn’t imagine watching a film without the original voice like why? The rest of the world does. I don’t really know where my voiceover thing stemmed from but it was there. Also subtitles it was like I thought if I was reading I would miss the movie. Definitely not the case now. I have Italian subtitles on all the time if possible. There are some great movies out there that are not American. I think movies from all over the world should be shown in theaters with either subtitles or voiceovers because there are some people in America who would like to see it in their mother tongue. I know shocking to think that not everyone is speaking and doing everything possible in English. So time to move on to my next point, languages.

3. Languages

America what is it with you and languages?! People came to the USA speaking different languages and there is no official language of the USA so why are we always worked up about people speaking other languages. I understand if people move and want to live there yes there will have to be some effort in learning and speaking English, just like I make an effort in speaking and learning Italian. However, I guess I don’t understand why, as a country, we aren’t learning more languages? For me my schools offered Spanish or French and I didn’t even start learning until I was 13, and it was optional. Here schools are teaching English from first grade and offer more languages to study. I am not saying everyone here is bilingual or trilingual but more people are able to communicate in other languages. For example, Pasquale, he obviously has studied English but he also studied French and when we went to Paris it was very helpful. I am not saying he broke out in conversation using French but he was able to get us around and ask for directions or help. America what is the fear of learning more languages? I understand people think it’s not useful or one language would be more useful than another but studies have shown learning or studying another language is helpful and can change the way we think and problem solve. Plus, it is much easier to learn a language at 6 than it is at 13 or even 25 believe me!

4. Taxes

So I bring up taxes because since living in Italy I have noticed how different it is and how much easier it is here, so why does the USA make it more difficult than it needs to be?! In the USA each state has different taxes that they add to the final price of an item at the register. In Italy everything is included in the price you see. WHY? I am not a mathematician, which is why I teach English, and I remember just guestimating what my possible final total would be when I was living in the USA because calculating taxes in my head would never happen plus it depends on the item and where you are and blah blah blah. Here in Italy, everything is included. Oh this water is .99 and when I get to the register and it’s still .99, amazing. I don’t know why the USA doesn’t include tax but I don’t see why they couldn’t at this point. If anyone actually knows why we don’t, other than just to be difficult, let me know. Also taxes for work. Growing up tax day, April 15, it’s a big deal. You have to get your taxes done. As I got older I was told, yep you need to do this all on your own and hope you don’t get it wrong. I came to Italy and my job is like ya we got you covered we did them, here’s all the info. In Italy, if you have a job, that is your job’s responsibility to do. If you are freelance or self-employed, yes you do have to claim what you make and all that good stuff like in America. So now I am like why doesn’t your job do it for you. You fill out the paperwork for them, we do that here too, so why don’t they just calculate it? Also I pay taxes in two countries and I only work in one. In Italy, if you leave, you leave you don’t pay taxes anymore there because well you don’t work there. This makes more sense to me. I know that my taxes here include more things like healthcare and public services but if I don’t use or even get those things included in my taxes why am I still doing them? And by mean I totally mean my father so shout out to him for doing that. Love you! Anyways if anyone knows more about taxes and why the USA doesn’t make some changes let me know. I love to learn.

5. Tips

Tipping was the one thing I had to explain to Pasquale last summer while we were in the USA and he still doesn’t get it. Basically anytime we went out for food I had to remind him (if he payed of course) that he needed to tip, and every time he would ask, why? My answer was always because it’s a service but of course he always responded with that’s their job. It’s true I think the tip system needs to be eliminated and people just need to be payed for their job up front. Here in Italy they don’t tip. If you want to give someone money out of the kindness of your heart ok great that’s fine but no one is expecting it and you are not going to get a weird look if you don’t. Most restaurants have a cover charge included which is kind of like a tip because you are paying to sit and be served so really if you are visiting Italy I wouldn’t worry about the tipping while eating out. If you are using a tour service or a private guide, I believe some tips might be expected but I would refer to the company you are using for more information. Anyways back to the USA. Now when I go back it is actually weird for me to tip. I don’t agree with the tipping system (I still tip of course) because if you work in the service industry, your job is service and as a worker, I think good service should be your goal. I do realize people live off tips and all the other factors, I did once work in a restaurant so I get it but as I don’t live there anymore, I really can’t wrap my head around it. Tipping would make it easier not only for Americans but for tourists as well. I could go on about this forever so if you are interested in tipping and more of my thoughts, or you want to have a good conversation about it, let me know.

6. Healthcare

As someone with severe asthma I am no stranger to the healthcare system in the USA. I am thankful for my parents and what they were able to do because my hospital bills and medication were not cheap and we had insurance. However since being in Italy I don’t understand the point of privatized healthcare. Pasquale and I always have conversations about this because Italy believes that healthcare is basic right. So why isn’t that a thought in the USA? I have asthma and my medication with insurance is $60 and I need that refilled every month and every six months to a year I have to see the doctor to make sure that the medication is ok and that I am ok so add a co-pay to that and if they want to do a breathing treatment (which is just taking medicine through a machine and making some tests) add another pretty price to that. Since I have been in Italy and have gotten a job and because I pay taxes, I get a doctor for FREE. I went to the public health office and picked a doctor. Made a visit, for free, she wrote me prescriptions for my medicine. My medicine without a prescription is 70 euros with a prescription 2 euros. She also gave me a note to get my asthma tested basically a breathing test to check if I really have asthma and if I do that my medicine will be free because I need it to live. Not everything is free and I think that is a misunderstanding about universal healthcare but things are easier to get and health is a priority here. In the USA healthcare is a business and as someone who relies on healthcare I honestly couldn’t imagine myself living there until some changes are made.

7. Patriotism to the max

I thought it was normal to see flags everywhere. I thought we had to show we were Americans with our clothes and flags and house decorations but since living in Italy, it’s like why? Are we questioning our identity? Do we think someone will take it away like we won’t be Americans anymore if we don’t have flags on everything? It always makes me laugh now like why do we do that? Even when I see American tourists now and they are always wearing something American flagged or constantly saying they are American (like we couldn’t already guess). I guess those are all my thoughts on that because really I don’t know why we do it. The rest of the world you generally see flags on government buildings or public offices but people wearing them or constantly displaying them is not often seen. I laugh about it now because it’s like we have an identity crisis but no one wants to acknowledge it.

8. Education

For this part I am going to focus more on high school because it’s something since living in Italy makes me wonder why don’t we do that. Besides learning languages, I don’t understand why we don’t have specialized high schools. I mean I realize there could be lots of reasons, teacher shortages, lack of schools, or lack of money. I am definitely not saying one country is better than the other because education wise both countries are pretty low on the list. However, I do like that in Italy you have a choice for high school and what you want to study. Basically high school here is like your first two years of college. It’s your pre-reqs that are required to continue your studies in your specific major. For example there are science schools, there are language school, general studies schools and they are all your choice. I think education in America should be more inclusive of all subjects starting from the first year and that way we are more informed and prepared to study what we really want when high school comes around. My mentality of high school was just to study and pass my classes. Whereas here its you are studying for your university career and you are already starting to think about what you do. I am not saying either one is right or wrong but I do think high school could be a little more specialized because going into Unveristy I didn’t know all my options and I think If options are known earlier education could be improved. Not to mention more specialized teachers which could mean more jobs, more schools but I know at the end of the day that comes down to the government. Just some thoughts though.

9. Voting

I figured I would bring this up with the current nominee elections going on in the USA. Voting has always been a talking point around election time especially with the electoral college and how it actually works. I always thought I was a believer in that you have to trust the system because it works and it always has worked, however my views have changed. I do think the system in the USA is outdated. Populations have changed and ultimately times have changed. I mean voting on a Tuesday?! Why?! We are not working on farms anymore, people have 9-5 jobs in cities without cars why is something so important to our country happening on a random work day. In Europe voting happens on a Saturday and because high schools go to school on Saturday(most places) they are closed! Always, end of discussion. So guess what voter turnout is high because people can go and it is made easier for them to go. Also one vote per person. I want my vote to count. I want it to be literally counted. I get it, states with small populations that want their say but you want your say as a state? Why not as a person? There are desolate towns throughout Italy and it doesn’t matter, your vote is your vote and it will be counted as one. Once again I am not saying that politics here in Italy is any better than politics in the USA because once again they are not high on the list of great governments but there are somethings I don’t agree with and really question why we continue to do them.

10. Public transport

I do realize there are parts of the USA with great public transport but I don’t understand why everywhere doesn’t have it. Where I lived and grew up (Reno, Nevada) there is some public transport but only in the center. I lived in the suburbs and the only time I saw a bus was for school. Where I lived it is really hard to live without a car. I know there is Uber and Lyft now but it can get expensive after a while. For example, what I pay for one month to use transport whenever I want still costs me less than one uber ride (of course considering the length of the ride). In Vegas there is more public transport but when I lived there, I didn’t know of too many people who actually used it. Public transport is awesome. It can be money saving for real, yes you have to deal with people and the public but ya get where you need to be without a lot of worries. Plus, it is accessible to everyone! Also using public transport is a life skill everyone should have because everyone should have to figure out time tables, the routes and how to get back especially if you have gone the wrong way.

Alrighty I think those are the most important things I think about the USA while living outside of it. If there are others you can think of or are wondering about let me know. I still love the USA and I don’t hate it in any way there are just somethings to think about and question. I think everyone should question the way things are done so we fully understand them in the end. Anyways thanks for reading. I hope for some more posts especially with all this free time(#coronavirus).

1 Comment

Feb 25, 2020

Excellent read this morning! Stay safe and keep writing!

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