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Writer's pictureMackenzie Leonhard

Living in Las Vegas vs. Milan

Well its a new year and with the new year I hope to post a lot more blogs. This is one I have been working on for awhile now and I think its finally time to put it out in the world. As many of you know I lived in Las Vegas before moving to Milan. Living in both of these large cities I have noticed some things about them that well make them world famous cities. So here are somethings I have noticed while living in both of these wonderful cities. Enjoy!

1. Fashion

Surprise fashion is a big deal in both cities but in totally different ways. Las Vegas is all about the physical fashion. Let me explain. From what I noticed while living in Las Vegas, people were very concerned on their physical beauty. Everyone has a gym membership of some sort, people are constantly tanning or worrying about the upcoming beauty treatment. Don't get me wrong some of these things were nice and I even participated ( hey TruFusion!) but Milan has taught me some new things about fashion. Milan is all about the labels. Fendi, Gucci, Armani you name it, the Milanese must have it. Dressing casual during the week does not exist! The Milanese are there to impress with their clothes and accessories and they make sure you know it. I mean people reuse their shopping bags with the labels on them for everything work, lunch you name it just to show it off. Both of these cities treat fashion differently but I would say they are both equally important to each city.

2. 24 hour service

Las Vegas is known for their 24/7 lifestyle and to be honest I miss it but I am adjusting. I have developed terrible habits as a result of the 24/7 lifestyle and it has taken a lot of adjustment on my part while here in Milan. In college, grocery shopping at 3am, late night drive-throughs, and midnight bowling were regular occurrences. In Milan, on a night out, I am lucky to find any food place open in fact I can count on one hand how many times that has happened. I miss being able to do anything at anytime, for example when you forget to buy milk but really want mac and cheese and its 1am so you run to the store to get some, however I am learning to love Milanese hours. Now, I actually plan before I do anything. Going to the store is more organized because said 1am trips are no longer possible and therefor need to be avoided with pre-made lists of everything that is low and not just out. Milan has also taught me to enjoy my time. Since everything is closed on Sunday and I do mean everything, I actually enjoy my day. I may plan something like a museum or spend the day getting ready for the week. Although the lifestyles are extremely different I am learning to love both more and more.

3. Night Life

Everyone in Europe loves Milan nightlife and always ask me about it and I feel terrible because I have a skewed view. I have lived in a city with world famous clubs and have been lucky enough to enjoy a few of them. So I hate to say it and I'm sorry to admit it but Milan will never compare to Las Vegas. Las Vegas has large clubs with great DJs and some of the clubs have more than one area to be in. Milan's clubs are small, like I can see everyone who is there small. However, its not just the clubs also the bars. Las Vegas has some awesome bars (cough, CommonWealth, cough) that are lively, great music and of course good drinks. However, Milan has cover charges for many of their bars and it has thrown me off. Yes I understand Las Vegas also has covers but most of the time women are free. Milan always has a charge that usually just gets higher as the night goes on. Promoters are strong in both cities but in Vegas if someone gets you on a list your in free but in Milan if you're on a list you still have to pay a cover its just "discounted". Going out in Milan is much more expensive than Las Vegas and I never thought I would say that.

4. Health

Health in Las Vegas is working out and eating healthy. Doing these few things and knowing when to relax will help you stay healthy and your chances of getting ill are very low. However I think the people in Las Vegas know you will get sick at some point because well if you have normal interactions with other human beings you will eventually get sick. For the Milanese anything and everything will make you sick. Weather, not wearing socks in the house, and air conditioning are just some of the things the Milanese blame getting sick on. I think Vegas has more a focus on staying healthy through natural ways and Italians hope for the best.


Coffee is typically considered a morning drink, you know to get your day started on the right foot and maybe help pick you up mid afternoon depending on the day. Not in Milan. Coffee is an anytime drink or an every 20 minute drink depending where in Italy you are from. Milan drinks so much coffee its hard for me to keep up at times. Las Vegas has great coffee and even great coffee shops that are open 24 hours but you will not find coffee shops in Milan. Everywhere in Milan makes coffee you just have to find the place for you just don't expect for the shop to say coffee shop in the window. These places can be bars, ice cream shops, restaurants or really any place with an espresso machine. Although everywhere offers coffee it doesn't mean you can linger. In milan you are meant to stand (thats right stand on your own two feet at the bar), drink your coffee and go. Its not meant to be an all day thing but rather a small break but like a small break you take every few hours. Coffee is scared for both cities but for completely different reasons. Las vegas is the all day coffee where you meet friends and write that blog (he he!) you have been working on but Milan is the coffee you drink with your colleagues or friends quickly in between activities or projects. Coffee is popular in both cities but contribute in completely different ways to society. Las vegas has the slow and enjoyable coffee and Milan has the quick and pick me up coffee ready for anyone and everyone.

6. Dogs

I love dogs and love spending time with them but something I have noticed between Vegas and Milan is the outlook on pets. Many people have dogs in Las Vegas but you generally see people with their dogs walking in the park, playing in the dog parking or just going for a stroll around the neighborhood but in Milan its a little different. For such a large city many people have dogs but they are taken everywhere. I can't tell you how many times I have gone out for a drink and there were just dogs chilling in the bar. In Milan dogs are allowed in almost all establishments. I have seen dogs in restaurants, bars, and shops with no problems. In Vegas every dog must be on a leash when out, but not in Milan. I see so many dogs not on leashes just walking down the street. Like I said I love dogs but not having dogs on leashes makes me very nervous, mostly for the dog. Like I said before I have nothing against dogs(ing fact I hope to have one soon) but these are some differences I have noticed in both places.

7. Culture

Living in such large, world known cities, I have met some proud people. People who just have a lot of pride in their city but they are proud about different things, naturally. In Las Vegas you would meet the true natives who have lived there for their entire lives and take absolute pride in that. I mean these people have watched their city grow and change and continue to change and still love it with all their heart. However the Milanese are proud of their culture and their city but mostly the history of it. I mean they are very proud of their museums and churches but nothing will top the pride they have for their duomo. I mean I can't blame them its pretty damn beautiful (excuse my language but like have you seen it?!) . Las Vegas is the ever evolving city and people are proud of that, while Milan is a historical city with a lot of cultural and the people there are very proud of that.

8. Sports

Sports are incredibly important to both of the cities actually. Recently Las Vegas has gotten a hockey team (and from what I hear a very good one at that!) and there is talk of a professional football team coming to the city. Not only for these sports but lets not forget our Runnin' Rebels who are extremely important to not only UNLV but also Las Vegas. Well Milan also has a few important sports teams. I mean like most European cities soccer is the most popular sport in Milan. They not only have a team, there are two teams here. There is Intern Milan and AC Milan. These teams divide this city. Their fans are sworn enemies and it cracks me up when my students ask me who I support (it determines if they will like me or not). Besides soccer, Milan also has a professional basketball team that is quite good. You rarely hear much about them due to the fact, well its not soccer. There is also an American football team here (or just football for us Americans) that is actually coached by Chris Ault (former UNR football coach) so talk about a freaking small world. However once again don't hear much about them since it is not soccer. Although Vegas is more diverse in their sports culture, I think both cities have a large interest in sports and take pride in the teams that they do have.

9. Summer

Both cities have summer during the same time but couldn't be more different in each city. "Summer" for Vegas( at least in my mind while I was there) really started around Spring break time(which is usually in April) because thats when the pools opened and finished around October. During this time it meant endless hangouts at pools and constantly being outside. Milan is very different, and just from the lack of swimming pools (although ya thats a part of it). Milan's summer is really from June to August but no one does anything really until August! Im talking no traveling, no swimming and no really fun BBQs that no one remembers the next day until August( just kidding they don't have BBQs!)! Its like the save summer and everything you do during the summer for the 2 1/2 weeks everyone has off in August. Summer is my season man and its hard being in a city that doesn't fully enjoy it.

10. Work

Living in Las Vegas a 9-5 job with weekends off doesn't really exist. I mean while living there you get used to everyone having different schedules and weird hours. Maybe one everyone has off so you all hit the pools or go hiking but that day could be like a Wednesday and thats pretty normal. Or maybe an after work drink is at 5am because you work at the club and thats the time everyone is getting let go. Anyways what I am saying that living in Las Vegas you get used to people having extreme schedules and do what you can with the free time you are given. It couldn't be more different in Milan. Ok so its not exactly 9-5 because well its Italy so it starts a little later and there's way more breaks throughout the day (gotta get that coffee ya know) and they generally finish around 7. Most people have the weekends off and everything the Milanese do are reserved for the weekends. One wouldn't dare go hiking on a Tuesday. If I could build a city and combine these two work schedules I would. Everyone has a 9-5(but Italian style) and every week you have different days off, sometimes it lines up on the weekend and sometimes it doesn't but its always alternating. Alright I've convinced myself I am building this city. I'm getting ahead of myself. Work is definitely an important part of both of these cities and ultimately define them. Las Vegas caters to the 24/7 crowd while Milan caters to the business people. Still in love with both though.

Well those are just a few of my thoughts and differences I have noticed living in two major cities. Honestly it really is a blessing and an eye opener to not only see these cities but live in them and experience all these things that I have talked about.

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